When you return to your desk after a lunch break, you notice a strange email in your inbox.

August 20, 2021 by Admin

When you return to your desk after a lunch break, you notice a strange email in your inbox. The sender is someone you did business with recently, but the subject line has strange characters in it.

What should you do?

  • Forward the message to your company’s security response team and permanently delete the message from your computer.
  • Reply to the sender and ask them for more information about the message contents.
  • Delete the email and pretend nothing happened
  • Forward the message to your supervisor and ask for her opinion on how to handle the situation

By setting up an email address for your users to forward any suspicious email to, the emails can be automatically scanned and replied to, with security incidents created to follow up on any emails with attached malware or links to known bad websites.

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