Can a user depict CloudWatch metrics such as CPU utilization in % and Network I/O in bytes on a single graph?

November 18, 2021 by Admin

Can a user depict CloudWatch metrics such as CPU utilization in % and Network I/O in bytes on a single graph?

  • No, a user cannot graph two separate metrics on the same graph.
  • Yes, a user can graph several metrics over time on a single graph.
  • No, a user cannot plot several metrics on a single graph since the units are different.
  • Yes, a user can graph multiple metrics on the same graph provided they are of the same instance in the same AZ.

You can graph several metrics over time on the same graph. The user can select metrics across re-sources and graph them on a single graph. It is not required that they should be of the same instance. They can be of different instances with the same AMI or based on some other dimension. You can filter records and plot them all on the same graph.

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