Which of the following statement correctly describes the differences between tunnel mode and transport mode of the IPSec protocol?

December 23, 2021 by Admin

Which of the following statement correctly describes the differences between tunnel mode and transport mode of the IPSec protocol?

  • In transport mode the ESP is encrypted where as in tunnel mode the ESP and its header’s are encrypted
  • In tunnel mode the ESP is encrypted where as in transport mode the ESP and its header’s are encrypted
  • In both modes (tunnel and transport mode) the ESP and its header’s are encrypted
  • There is no encryption provided when using ESP or AH

ESP can be used to provide confidentiality, data origin authentication, connectionless integrity, an anti-replay service (a form of partial sequence integrity), and (limited) traffic flow confidentiality. The set of services provided depends on options selected at the time of Security Association (SA) establishment and on the location of the implementation in a network topology. For your exam you should know the information below about the IPSec protocol:

The IP network layer packet security protocol establishes VPNs via transport and tunnel mode encryption methods.

For the transport method, the data portion of each packet is encrypted, encryption within IPSEC is referred to as the encapsulation security payload (ESP), it is ESP that provides confidentiality over the process.
In the tunnel mode, the ESP payload and its header’s are encrypted. To achieve non-repudiation, an additional authentication header (AH) is applied.

In establishing IPSec sessions in either mode, Security Associations (SAs) are established. SAs defines which security parameters should be applied between communicating parties as encryption algorithms, key initialization vector, life span of keys, etc. Within either ESP or AH header, respectively. An SAs is established when a 32-bit security parameter index (SPI) field is defined within the sending host. The SPI is unique identifier that enables the sending host to reference the security parameter to apply, as specified, on the receiving host.

IPSec can be made more secure by using asymmetric encryption through the use of Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol/Oakley (ISAKMP/Oakley), which allows automated key management, use of public keys, negotiation, establishment, modification and deletion of SAs and attributes. For authentication, the sender uses digital certificates. The connection is made secure by supporting the generation, authentication, distribution of the SAs and the cryptographic keys.

The following were incorrect answers:

The other options presented are invalid as the transport mode encrypts ESP and the tunnel mode encrypts ESP and its header’s.

CISA review manual 2014 Page number 353

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